Want to row better?
Real-time information on rowing technique
Improve your rowing technique
- Instant feedback
- Effortless measurement allows systematic tracking
The Quiske App + pod visualizes your performance. The analyzed data is available immediately to visualize your stroke and help make the next one better. Instant feedback enables fast learning.
Effortless measurement makes it possible to track performance in every rowing session.
Bring confidence to your coaching by getting concrete facts on rowing technique.
The Quiske system is designed for the rower who wants to improve. The system works on water and indoors.
Improve your rowing on water
Instant feedback on oar/seat and boat performance
Attach the pod on the oar and get immediate feedback on how your oar is moving throughout the stroke, horizontally as well as vertically.
Attach the pod to the seat for instant feedback on your legwork.
Improve your indoor rowing technique
Make friends with the Ergo
Good technique while training on the ergometer is as important as when on water. Rowing requires perfect coordination and training it is conveniently done indoors.
The Quiske App shows the seat and handle speeds in real time and calculate metrics that help you improve your performance.
Virtual Coach
Do you bum shove?
The Quiske App comes with a Virtual Coach for indoor rowing. The Virtual Coach gives immediate feedback on rowing technique.
Achieving perfect coordination is much easier when getting constant supervision.
Strap on the pod and go track your performance
Installing takes less than a minute.
The Quiske system is affordable and effortless to install, gives instant feedback and detailed analytics for rowers, indoor rowers, and for coaches.
The same pod can be used on water on either oar or on the boat seat as well as indoors on the Concept2 or RP3.