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The Quiske Blog
Read more...In the realm of indoor rowing technique, we've always stressed the importance of initiating movement with the erg's seat before engaging the handle. This principle holds true, particularly in static rowing. However, when utilizing slides (dynamic), the distinction becomes negligible, and...Read more...As a reader of this blog you most likely know that Quiske uses sensors and algorithms to measure rowing motion and creates graphs and numbers as an output: The numerical metrics are highlighted with green if they're in range, or in yellow if improvement is needed. The target values are also...Read more...This summer Quiske brought out a new version of the Quiske Rowing app, which crunches more rowing data into a summary analysis on the phone itself (see what's new in our previous post). At the same time we discontinued our cloud portal, where many of our customers had done detailed analysis of...Read more...This blog contains the invitation to our traditional Virtual Rowing Challenges and explains the improvements of the recent Quiske Rowing App update. A new version of the Quiske Rowing App We've made Quiske Rowing App (iOS/ Android) simpler and more useful. What's new? When rowing on water...Read more...It is easier to row with good technique if you are sitting comfortably. How to sit comfortably on the erg? Most ergs come with standard seats, but they are not suitable for everyone. Some rowers suffer from numbness or sores when rowing long sessions. Luckily there is a solution to this...Read more...When a crew finds a common understanding of rowing technique they reach a whole new level of efficency and flow. Even swing. This blog is about synchrony in crew rowing, and how to measure it. Stroke rate The first step towards synchronous crew rowing is, of course, reaching a common stroke...Read more...Summer has arrived and so has a new version of the Quiske Rowing App with many usability improvements and support for a new format of Virtual Racing. This blog explains what's new and invites to the first Virtual Rowing Challenge! Quiske Rowing App renewed The new Quiske Rowing App (free,...Read more...The first Quiske Technique Challenge of 2021 looks at your Rowing Style. For this challenge you will need the Quiske pod attached on the seat or the frame of the erg (depending on if you're rowing static or dynamic). What is Rowing Style and how do you measure it? Style measures the relative...Read more...Challenges and Opportunities Restrictions caused by Covid have brought not only challenges but also opportunities to rowing, at least to indoor rowing. The challenges are obvious: many rowing clubs and studios had to shut their doors, making indoor rowing a luxury allowed only to those having...Read more...Last month we ran the Rhythm challenge which looked at the ratio of your drive over your full stroke. This month we're taking a look at how segmented your rowing is, which is the second most important building block of good rowing technique (right after rhythm). For this challenge you will need...Read more...Before saying what it is, let's start with saying what it is not. Not Power Quiske does not measure power. There are many different ways to measure power on water and indoors but Quiske is not one of them. You can e.g. use the Concept PM5 monitor to monitor the magnitude and shape of your...Read more...Your rhythm is the most important building block of good rowing technique. Have you ever measured it? Rhythm is the ratio of the time of your drive over the time of your entire stroke. Your rhythm reveals how relaxed your rowing is and the ideal rhythm depends on your strokerate. How do you...Read more...Especially in the masters category it seems that there is growing interest in mixed crew rowing and racing. In coastal rowing the mixed category was recently recognized in the world championships. In mixed crews, the rowers often are of significantly different size, shape, and weight, and their...Read more...All rowing races were cancelled in Finland in the early summer 2020. The reason of course was the Corona virus and the guidelines for social distancing to prevent its spread. Finland is a sparsely populated country and Finns were never forced to stay in lock down in their homes but could continue...Read more...Quiske measures rowing technique both indoors and on water. This spring we have been working on the indoor functionality, adding information about the technique targets to strive for, and we just got the update to the Quiske Rowing App launched on both Android and iOS. Indoor coaching evolution...Read more...Different types of drag in different ergs. How to find your optimal drag factor? This blog contains an intro to the three different types of drag in the most common indoor rowing machines and advice on how to find your optimum damper setting. Air Air resistance within a flywheel creates the...Read more...Why? Drills provide a good refresher on technique and that's why we regularly do them. You can work on drills on any kind of ergs: Concept2, Concept2 on slides, and RP3s or any other machine (below we show examples on the ergs mentioned). Drills can improve your catch and relax your recovery...Read more...Why is training together on the erg important? Someone has rightly coined that rowing is a symphony of motion. Sometimes, however, on the erg, the consonance of movement is forgotten and all that matters is max effort pulling maximizing the power numbers on the little monochrome screen... While...Read more...The 2nd Finnish Coastal Champs were arranged in Helsinki on Saturday the 21st of September. The weather was much better than predicted and the Baltic sea offered an almost flat surface. The Finnish Coastal Champs has a unique race format in that you can do as many race starts as you want, in as...Read more...Why do rowers use gadgets? The ultimate reason is to speed up their boat. When measurement gear is used correctly it gives the rower a competitive advantage. This blog is about our recent experiment to use Quiske Rowing App to add speed by working on the correct timing of applying power during...More PostsConnect with us on FB, IG or Twitter
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