User Guide
How to use our Rowing Performance System
5min Tutorial Video
Check this to see how to attach the phone onto the boat and the pod on the oar/ seat and what real time feedback screens are available while rowing
Ready, set, measure!
Attach the pod to your oar and a phone to the boat
The pod is attached to the oar you want to measure and the Android phone is attached firmly to the boat. The phone displays the analyzed data immediately as numbers or graphs.
If you want to measure both oars simultaneously you need two pods and two phones (one phone per sensor).
The Product Box
The pod and accessories
The pod comes in a metal box with the following items:
1. Safety strap
2. Strap to attach the pod cradle to the oar
3. Pod with cradle
4. USB cable
5. Dual lock tape
First time use
The pod
Carefully lift the pod from its cradle by gently pulling from the end with the handlebar.
Attach the safety strap to the pod as shown.
First time use
The cradle and strap
Slide the strap through the cradle slits and thread it through the buckle as shown.
Olympic Boats: How to attach the pod to the oar
Level and straight
Attach the charged pod into the cradle and pull the strap (including the safety strap) onto the oar collar. The pod handle with the safety strap should point in the direction of the rower.
Use the cradle rails to position the cradle in the right way, it needs to be level and straight (there are different cradle sizes for different size oars).
Finally pull the strap tight.
Olympic Boats: Correct placement of the pod
parallel with blade on the convex side
The pod and cradle should be placed next to the oar lock on the side closer to the rower and where the blade of the oar is convex.
During drive the pod is visible and facing towards the bow.
During recovery the sensor is facing the water.
Olympic Boats: OK
The pod is parallel with blade on the convex side
The pod center line is aligned with the oar.
The pod must lie flat parallel to the oar.
Correct placement is essential for the measurement to work
Olympic Boats: Not OK
No tilting allowed
The pod cannot be tilted in any direction.
Misalignment of the pod reduces the quality of the data.
Attaching the phone
The phone should be easily viewable to see the instant feedback
We recommend using a water proof device. The phone needs to be firmly attached to the boat and it mustn't move during rowing.
If you use just one pod you need only one phone.
For two pods (one of either oar) you need two phones.
Attaching the phone using tape
Make sure the phone is level
The phone can be attached to any existing SpeedCoach mount by using a piece of dual lock tape on the mount and on the back of the phone.
This is a very easy and reliable attachment method just make sure the phone is level with respect to the horizon. Back/front tilting in the bow-stern direction is allowed.
Attaching the phone using a mount
Make sure the phone is level
The phone can also be attached using different types of phone mounts. There are many types of mounts but we recommend the pictured RAM phone mount .
Make sure the phone is level with respect to the horizon. Back/front tilting in the bow-stern direction is allowed.
Charging the pod
is easy
Remove the cap from the pod and plug a USB charger to the USB connector (Micro USB). You should allow 1-2hrs for full recharging. Unplug the charger and replace the cap when ready.
Using the pod with a traditional rowing boat (non feathering oars)
Attachment is perpendicular to the blade
Pull the strap (including safety strap) with sensor close to the oar hinge (but not too close, about 10cm distance is ok) and tighten the strap. The pod is perpendicular to the blade and the sensor handle points towards the rower.
Check that the pod is parallel with the oar and that it lies perfectly flat. Tilting in any direction reduces the quality of the measurements.
Two pods measuring two oars in a traditional boat
Attachment is perpendicular to the blade. The pods handle always points towards the rower.
To measure both right and left oars you need pods on both oars and two phones that must be rigidly fixed to the boat. The phones must be level with respect to the horizon but can be tilted in the bow-stern direction.
Measuring multiple rowers
One or two sensors per rower
Each rower needs one or two phones depending on if they are measuring one or two oars. Attached an example wooden double with two different attachment methods for two phones per rower.
Indoor rowing: Pod on seat
Pod attachment to indoor rowing machine.
The pod can be attached with dual lock tape to the seat or inserted to a seat cushion if used. The pod should be attached with the handle towards flywheel.
Indoor rowing: Phone attachment to handle ( Concept 2) Part 1.
Phone attachment to indoor rowing machine.
Phone can be attached to indoor rowing machine (Concept 2) handle with Finn holder. See picture how to thread Finn holder to handle.
Indoor rowing: Phone attachment to handle ( Concept 2) Part 2.
Phone attachment to indoor rowing machine.
After Finn holder in place you could attach your phone to handle.
LED light indications
Blinking or not?
Sensor LED indicates the pod status as follows:
- Blue, Green or Red light, the pod is succesfully paired with the phone and RowP App. Blue color means seat, Green means right hand oar and Red left hand oar.
- Blue, Green or Red light blinking indicates that the measurement has been started.
Questions and Answers
Here we answer all questions we can think of, please send unanswered questions to support@quiske.fi
Q: How do I pair my phone with the pod?
A: In the RowP App, select “Rowing”: You will be taken to a screen, where the sensor scanning and pairing is done.
Q: Can I use multiple sensors at the same time?
A: Only one sensor can be connected at one time. RowP App will ask you to define if the sensor is used at either oar or at the seat.
Q: Why doesn’t the RowP App find my sensor when scanning?
A: There could be few reasons:
-The sensor is out of battery
-A Communication problem between the phone and the sensor.
- Restart RP app and try again.
- In case you have the sensor connected, but experience issues with data stream, please choose “Sensor Info” on “Connecting to Sensor”-screen and select Reset.
- If the sensor is not found regardless of restarting the RP App, please restart your phone to clear the bluetooth communication stack.
Q: Why does it seem that there is a delay between the actual rowing stroke and the data I see on the screen?
A: Processing of the data does take it’s time. After the system has completely synchronized and auto-calibrated itself, you will see fresh data immediately after each stroke has been completed.
Q: Why does a sensor remain connected to the phone even after exiting the app?
A: There can be multiple reasons for that. Typically a communication problem between the phone and the sensor can cause that. Also the operating system sometimes malfunctions. For recovery, please do the following:
- Step 1. Restart the RP app and reclose it.
- Step 2. If the issue is not resolved after step 1, please restart your phone to clear the bluetooth stack and try again.
Q: Is the sensor water proof?
A: The sensor is splash proof and it is not meant to be submersed. The casing is designed so that the sensor floats if it is dropped into water. We recommend to use the safety strap which is included in the sales pack.
Q: What phones are compatible?
A: Typically all modern Android phones with Android 6.0 OS with BT low energy. We have tested several models without issues.
Q: Can I use other than Quiske sensors?
A: No, only Quiske sensors will function with RP app.
Q: What should I do if my sensor malfunctions?
A: Please send email to support@quiske.fi and describe your problem.
Q: How do I contact Quiske support?
A: Please send email to support@quiske.fi
Q: Is there a warranty for the sensor?
A: We give 1 year warranty from the date of purchase.
Q: How do I charge the sensor and how long does it take and how often do I need to do it?
A: Charging is done with a regular micro-USB charger. We provide the cable in the sales pack. Charging time is about 2 hours. A fully charged battery lasts for hours of rowing and weeks of storage.
Q: How close to the phone does the sensor need to be?
A: Closer is better, but BT low energy range is around 10 meters.
Q: Can I use just the sensor and no phone?
A: No, the sensor needs the phone to operate.
Q: Can I use the Rowing Performance App without a sensor?
A: Yes you can, but then you will not measure anything else than the boat motion.
Q: At our rowing club we have several sensors. When doing the sensor scan, how can I identify the one I want to use?
A: Rowing Performance App asks you to name you own sensor. That will help in identification. Also, the sales box works as radio shield. Keeping unused sensors in closed sales boxes limit their visibility.
Q: How do I attach the sensor to a oar or seat?
A: The App has instructions. Instructions are also available on our www-pages: http://www.rowingperformance.com/user-guide. Note that the phone needs to be attached properly to the boat body, and attachment of the sensor depends on the boat type. We support several boat types with different kinds of oar attachments. For seat measurement, the sensor needs to be attached appropriately way as well.
Q: Is there a way to see detailed information of my sensor?
A: When the sensor is connected to the application, please choose “Sensor Info” on “Connecting to Sensor”-screen. You will see information on MAC-address, firmware version, battery level, sensor name and signal level.
Q: How do I attach sensor to the seat?
A: There are two recommended ways: 1) fasten the sensor cradle so that cradle’s open end points towards the footrest AND the cradle is generally as well as possible aligned with the direction of seat motion. 2) Use double sided tape instead of screws. In that case make sure to clean the surfaces properly to enable good adhesion. Consider using xylene or similar dissolvent for cleaning with attention to compatibility with seat’s material.
Q: Why doesn’t the RP App find my sensor when scanning?
A: There could be few reasons:
-Sensor is out of battery
-Communication problem between phone and sensor.
- Restart RP app and try again.
- In case you have the sensor connected, but experience issues with data stream, please choose “Sensor Info” on “Connecting to Sensor”-screen and select Reset.
- If sensor is not found regardless of restarting RP, please restart your phone to clear bluetooth communication stack.